
Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Do you know about washi tape? It's a fun tape that adheres well without damaging walls. Available in an array of fun colours and patterns, read on to try one (or all) or our fun washi-inspired crafts.

ByToday's Parent

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Get crafty

Colourful, versatile and easy to use, washi tape is available in various themes, patterns and widths—simply cut and stick, or lick and stick, to anything (without pulling off paint!). Try one of our cute washicraftsor get creative and come up with your own ideas.

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Picture frame

Create a cute honeycomb picture frame using mini popsicle sticks and washi tape. They're a perfect present for little hands to make and give.

Get the instructions:Popsicle stick craft: Honeycomb picture frame>

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Brown paper packages

Transform plain packages into works of art. Get creative and be as elaborate or simple as you like.

Watch:Crafting for kids: Homemade wrapping paper (video)>

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Recycled reindeer

Wrap one and a half toilet paper rolls in washi tape. Push small sticks into the large roll and superglue into place as the legs and neck; attach the half roll for the head and add the antlers. Once finished, let the reindeer graze on your mantel or kitchen table.

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Paper plane

Build a prettier paper plane by adding washi tape to your paper folds. With stronger folds, your planes can fly longer and farther!

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Faux fireplace

To spearhead a cozy fireplace, start with a quick sketch beforehand or find a fireplace photo for inspiration. Using about a roll and a half of washi tape, execute your plan on the wall.


  • Use a level to get the line straight
  • Block in all the lines, leaving the smaller details until last
  • Create an arch by joining smaller pieces of tape
  • Place a chair against the wall for scale

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Washi dollies

The pre-Mattel pioneer days return with these clothespin dolls. For the arms, twist and tape twine under the washi tape. For the skirts, tape thin cardboard or tulle to the pin.

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts


Kids can make their own bookmark buddy with a bit u2028of tape and craft sticks. Bonus: u2028They also double as adorable puppets!

Read more:Raise a reader: Top 10 book series to read before you're 12>

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts

Trendy flatware

Having a kids’ table at your u2028holiday dinner? Make it fun and u2028cut down on dishes with washi-u2028wrapped bamboo cutlery.

Washi tape: 8 fun crafts


This article was originally published onDec 11, 2014

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